
Sunday, December 15, 2019

White Island | Fact File

Welcome to another post on my blog. Today, I am going to share you a place named White Island? Have you heard of an island named White Island? It has been recently named in the news due to an explosion. Well, White Island is located in New Zealand?! Yes, White Island is 48 km east coast away from North Island. Did you know that White Island is an active andesite stratovolcano? Do you know why this island is called 'White Island'? White Island was named by Captain James Cook on 1st October 1769 because the steam always appeared to be a cloud of white steam. I have a question for you, you could comment the answer if you know the answer. Do you know the name of White Island in Māori? Also, you could research and comment below. Let's go back to the topic. There is also an island named White Island near Dunedin, Otago. You could go to White Island from Rotorua or Whakatane. This is a really good tourist attraction. Did you know when was the last time White Island erupted? It was in 2001. 

Image result for white island eruption cause
How White Island may have erupted
Graphic: Jamie Brown

Here is a fact file about White Island.

GNS Science

I hope you like my post about White Island. Comment down below if you've learnt something new. Have a cool day!! Bye!!