
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Summer Learning Journey 2019-20 | Week 3, Day 1 | Activity 3: Apple vs Microsoft

Welcome to another post on my blog. This is the third week for the Summer Learning Journey 2019-20. If you don't know, the Summer Learning Journey is a holiday programme where we do blog posts over the summer holidays. This is because we don't drop down in our reading and writing. Because over the holidays, we have so much fun and not do any reading or writing, so we drop down in our scores.

Activity 3: Apple vs Microsoft [6 points]

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs are two big names in the field of digital technology. Bill Gates is the founder of Microsoft while Steve Jobs was a co-founder of Apple. Both men are very creative and inventive. In fact, Steve Jobs invented the Apple computer, iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Sadly, he passed away in 2011.

Bill Gates, on the other hand, invented Microsoft software, like Microsoft Windows and Microsoft Office. He is now one of the richest people in the world, and with his wife, Melinda, has created a charity called The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

Both men worked in the same field (digital technology) and were seen as competitors or rivals. They are not the only rivals in the world. In fact, some of the most famous rivalries occur between sports teams. One example is the rivalry between the All Blacks and the Wallabies rugby teams.

For this activity we would like you to use your best researching skills to find three more examples of common rivalries. They can be in the sports world or not - it’s totally up to you!

On your blog, describe the three rivalries that you have found. Who is involved? To gain the full 6 points for this activity, please provide a picture for each rivalry. The picture should represent the rivalry.

Because I like Cricket, I am going to present about Cricket. One of the biggest rivals of Cricket the India-Pakistan rivalry. This rivalry started in 1947 and it still continues.

Another rivalry is from Cricket. The Ashes or the Australia-England rivalry started when Cricket started. Those two teams were the first teams to join cricket. From 1877, the rivalry still continues.

I hope you learnt something new and liked my post. Have a cool day!! Bye!!