
Monday, December 23, 2019

Summer Learning Journey 2019-20 | Week 2, Day 3 | Activity 3: Belle of the Ball

Welcome to another post on my blog. This is the second week for the Summer Learning Journey 2019-20. If you don't know, the Summer Learning Journey is a holiday programme where we do blog posts over the summer holidays. This is because we don't drop down in our reading and writing. Because over the holidays, we have so much fun and not do any reading or writing, so we drop down in our scores.

The second week of this Summer Learning Journey is about I have a dream... - Politics and Activism.

Activity 3: Belle of the Ball [6 points] 

Emma Watson is a movie star who started acting in films when she was just nine years old. You might recognise her as Hermione Granger from the Harry Potter films or ‘Belle’ from the Disney adaptation of Beauty and the Beast.

When Emma is not acting, she spends a lot of time giving speeches and advocating for the rights of women and girls. In 2014 she launched the HeForShe campaign which encourages men and boys to actively support women and girls by speaking out about gender equality - the idea that males (men) and females (women) have the same rights. Emma is also an avid reader who started her own worldwide book club!

Let’s imagine that Emma has just emailed you and asked for your help. She needs a recommendation for a great book for her book club. She also needs you to prepare a short review of the book to share
with her readers.

For this activity, choose a book that you like and write a short review of it. In the review, tell us what the book is about and what you like about it.

 On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Author: Roald Dahl

Image result for charlie and the chocolate factory book
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
I think that I really liked the book and how the author wrote it. This a book about Willy Wonka's chocolate factory. The most famous chocolate factory in the world. It is where no one has been or seen the factory before. Charlie lived in a small wooden house in the edge of a great town. One day, in the newspaper, Willy Wonka had allowed five children to go to the chocolate factory. Willy Wonka had hidden five golden tickets in the ordinary wrapping of chocolate. Charlie was one of the five children to go to the chocolate factory.

I hope you want to read the book and liked my post. Have a cool day!! Bye!!