
Friday, March 1, 2019

Try to Answer this

For today's post, we had to post about a maths DLO that we had done. We had an activity to answer a question that the teacher had set. Almost the whole class understood and knew the question. In that question, the question didn't have numbers, there were images of parts of cars. We had to figure out what each part means. When we all figured it out, our teacher told us about BEDMAS, which means, Brackets, Exponents, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. Our teacher gave us an activity to make a question like that one. I worked with David and to make our own question. We used fruits to make the question. David and I thought to make this question hard. Try to answer it. Can you figure it out? Comment down below what you're answer is.

I hope you like my post about my question. Comment down below if you've figured out the question. Have a cool day!! Bye!!