
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Who Are You? - Happy Healthy Minds | Wānanga

As part of Wānanga class, we continued working on the Happy Healthy Minds. We had recently read more of the text and then today had to answer some questions. There are lots of things that make us who we are that are not dependent on gender. We had to use the list of questions to find out about someone in the class that we don’t know very well.

Here is a chart of the person I interviewed:

Where do you like to go on holiday? Beach or city?


What makes you laugh?

When people do funny actions

What would you like to learn more about?


What are some of your favourite foods?

Fried Chicken 

What makes you cry?

He doesn’t know anything (I mean anything)

Do you like to teach other people or be taught?


What kind of stories are your favourite?

Sports (non-fiction)

Would you prefer to live in the city or country? 


What is your dream destination?


Would you rather have a face that everyone laughs at or a name that everyone that laughs at?
