
Sunday, May 3, 2020

Graphing | Sustainability

Welcome to another post on my blog. Today I finished another task for the Sustainability hurumanu. I still continue on the Maps & Map Skills topic. The second topic was about Mapping Task after doing the FACKTS task. First, I learnt about graphs and types of graphs (Bar & Column, Histogram, Scatter, Pie and Line Graph). Secondly, I learnt about FAULTSPK (F - Frame, A - Axis,  U - Unit, L - Labels, T - Title, S - Scale, P - Plot and K - Key). After reading all of the information I had to complete the given task.

The task was to Use the following information to create a Line Graph.

Change of population in “Mythical Country” between 1990 - 2010.
1990 - 100,000
1995 - 104,000
2000 - 107,000
2005 - 112,000
2010 - 115,000

I had to create my graph on Google Drawing via Google Docs, I hope you like it.

I hope you like my post. Have a nice day!! Bye!!