
Thursday, November 15, 2018

Our New Topic!

On Monday, we started our new topic called "Passion Projects". It is every Monday period 3 (11:40 AM) to 5 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM) and Thursday period 2 (9:40 AM) to period 5. There were different options to choose from. The teachers had sent a google form about what topic to choose, Music Theatre, Outdoor Education, Discovery, Move to Improve, Community, Maths Craft, Digital World, Wearable Arts and Stone Sculpting. We had to choose three topics, I had chosen, Discovery, Digital World and Maths Craft. The teacher had shared a spreadsheet of what everyone had chosen and what the teacher put us on. Luckily, I was in Discovery, and I was with my friends, Vann, Axle and Ranit.

On the first day of Passion Project, we had met in Science. Our discovery teacher was Mr Stock, he is a discovery teacher. We four had different ideas of what to do. We had to choose three ideas of what to discover. I had chosen, making a telescope, making a volcano and electrical circuits. Also, we had to find out what you want to do after sharing your ideas. After hearing Axle's idea, it was a dish called Ratatouille. I wanted to join him. Axle and I asked Vann and Ranit to join our group, they said yes. Our second idea was also from Axle, it was Mozzarella Cheese. We have discussed as a group and we've decided what to do.

To Be Continued...

Next time I'll post about our update, I'll tell you what our plan was. I hope you like my post about Passion Project. Comment down below if you like my post. Have a cool day!! Bye!!