
Saturday, March 9, 2019

What is Ki O Rahi?

For P.E, we have been playing Ki O Rahi, which is Māori traditional sport. For the past few weeks, we have been playing games which include skills of Ki O Rahi. First, we had played Bench Ball which includes the skill of passing and catching the ball. Next, we had played Long Ball, which includes hitting the target (the person, when they are going to the safe zone). After playing Bench Ball, we had started researching about how we play Ki O Rahi, what are the equipment, the rules, and how we play it. I was working with JV and this is what we have got.

I should've posted this a few weeks ago. 😟

I hope you like my post about Ki O Rahi. Comment down below ↓ about what you like about my post and slideshow, also comment, what I need to do next time (next steps). Have you played Ki O Rahi before? Comment down below ↓ !! Have a cool day!! Bye!!