
Friday, March 8, 2019

Red, Ladder, Sinking, Coins, Pavement?

For today's post, I am going to share the 100-word challenge that I had written. Our prompt was 5 words that had to put in the story: red, ladder, sinking, coins and pavement. We had to make a piece of writing that must include the five words in exactly 100 words. Here is my writing:

There was a boy named Ben. He likes finding things. There was a pavement leading to a cave named The Red Cave. Ben went inside to look around.

There he found a ladder sinking in a well. He saw something shining under the water. Ben thought to find out what was happening, so he jumped in. As he went closer, the shine became rising. Ben said, “What even is that?” There was an underground secret pathway. Ben had his torch and went further, suddenly with a surprise he saw coins. He was happy with joy. Ben woke up in joy.

Here is my proof of my 100 words.

I hope you like my post about my 100-word challenge. Comment down below what you liked about my 100-word challenge and what I need to do next. Have you done a 100-word challenge before? Comment down below ↓ . Have a cool day!! Bye!!