
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

World's First Sunrise!

Welcome to the first 'Let's Know about Countries' series. In the series, I will post, mostly every day about countries that you might not know about (some you may).

Have you ever wondered, which is the first country to see the sunrise? It's in North Gisborne, New Zealand. It is around the coast to Opotiki and inland to Te Urewera National Park. The East Cape has the honour of seeing the world's first sunrise each and every day.

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Back in 2011, Samoa decided to move position on the international dateline. Before, Samoa was the last place in the world to see the sunset. Many people on a trip to Samoa would visit Cape Mulinu’u where you could be the final people in the world to end the day. But, just because they are the first country to welcome the day, it still doesn't mean that they are the first ones to see the sunrise. The East Cape still holds the honour, thanks to the curvature of the earth. We may not be the first country to celebrate New Year's day anymore, but we are still the first country to see the sunrise.

When Samoa jumped 24 hours ahead, Samoa and American Samoa (in the US Territory) separated from each other.

So I hope you like my first post of the series. Have a cool holiday!! Bye!!