
Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Summer Learning Journey 2018-19 | Week 2 | Day 2

DAY 2: Fabulous Flora

Activity 1: Weaving a Tall Tale…[4 points]
There is a long history in New Zealand of collecting natural plants, including flax (harakeke), and using them to create cloaks, baskets (kete), mats, traps and ropes. Flax weaving is an art form. It can take years for people to perfect the art of weaving. Have you ever tried it?
For this activity, you are asked to watch a short video of someone weaving a fish (ika) out of flax.
On your blog, tell us whether or not you would like to try your hand at flax weaving. Does it interest you? Why or why not?
In my opinion, I wouldn't try flax weaving, because it looks tricky and difficult. It doesn't interest me.

Activity 2: Mighty Mangroves [4 points]
Here in New Zealand we have a native tree called a Kiwi Mangrove. Kiwi Mangroves grow in shallow water (harbours). The largest mangrove or Manawa forests in New Zealand are located in Northland and in Auckland. According to many environmental experts, they are one of the toughest and strongest trees in the world because they can survive in really harsh (difficult) conditions.
For this activity you are asked to think of someone who is very tough and strong. They can be someone who you know personally or they can be a character that you have read about in a book, seen in a movie, or on a television show.

On your blog, tell us about this person. Who are they? Why are they, in your opinion, so strong and tough?

John Cena

Born: 23 April 1977
Age: 41
What is he?: American professional wrestler, actor, rapper, and television host.
Height: 1.84m
John Cena has been in the WWE Raw since 1993, also in the WWE SmackDown since 1993.

I think that he is strong and tough because he is a wrestler also he is a bodybuilder.

Activity 3: Stranger than Fiction [10 points + 5 possible points]
Here on earth there are more than 298 000 different kinds (species) of plants. Some of these plants live on land and some live in the water. Follow this link to read about 10 of the strangest plant species in the world. When you are finished, choose two of the plants from the list.

On your blog, list three similarities and three differences between the two plants that you chose. To earn five extra bonus points, post a picture of both plants on your blog.

I had chosen the Baseball Plant and Rafflesia Arnoldii. 

The similarities:

  1. The rank of the plant is a species.
  2. Also, they are in the same kingdom, Plantae.
  3. The two plants are in the same Clade, Angiosperms, Eudicots and Rosids.

The Differences

  1. The Higher Classification - Baseball Plant (Spurges) and Rafflesia Arnoldii (Rafflesia)
  2. They are found in different places - Baseball Plant (South Africa) and Rafflesia Arnoldii (Indonesia).
  3. Baseball Plant weighs up to 11kg and a Rafflesia Arnoldii weighs up to 6.8kg.