
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Light Experiment | Physics

Opaque — Solid

Translucent — Foggy 

Transparent — Clear

Aim: To investigate shadows using transparent, translucent and opaque materials.

Hypothesis: All objects have no colour of shadow and light is coming from one direction.


  1. Light Box
  2. Powerpack
  3. Dish
  4. Beaker - 80ml and 200ml
  5. Measuring Cylinder - 100ml


  1. Set up the powerpack and lightbox.
  2. When the light turns on, take the opaque, translucent, and transparent items in front of the lightbox one at a time and observe - light, shadow, edges, direction, colour.





1. Are they blurred/clear edges? 

    a. Blurred edges

2. What direction is the light source coming from? 

    a. Straight

3. Do some of the objects let more light shine through than others? How can you tell?

    a. Can't see the light enough - foggy, blurred 

4. Are the shadows the same or different? 

    a. Same

5. Do the shadows have colour? 

    a. No


1. Are they blurred/clear edges? 

    a. Clear edges

2. What direction is the light source coming from?

    a. Straight 

3. Do some of the objects let more light shine through than others? How can you tell?

    a. Can see light through 

4. Are the shadows the same or different?

    a. Different - varieties of density 

5. Do the shadows have colour? 

    a. No


1. Are they blurred/clear edges? 

    a. Slightly blurred

2. What direction is the light source coming from?

    a. Straight 

3. Do some of the objects let more light shine through than others? How can you tell?

    a. From the other side of the dish

4. Are the shadows the same or different?

   a. Same 

5. Do the shadows have colour?

    a. No