
Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Curved Mirrors | Physics

There are three main types of mirrors in the laboratory. Plane mirrors are flat, convex and concave mirrors are both curved mirrors.

Types of Spherical Mirrors | BYJU'S

Concave mirrors have the shiny surface on the inside of the curve. When looking at a tablespoon, the bowl of the spoon is concave.

Convex mirrors have the shiny surface on the outside of the curve. When looking at a tablespoon, the back of the spoon is convex.

Observing Reflection in Curved Mirrors

Aim: To investigate the reflection of light rays in concave and convex mirrors.


  • Ray box
  • Triple-set ray slide
  • Concave and convex mirrors
  • Power supply


  1. Set up your ray box, triple-set ray slide and power supply.
  2. Place the mirrors as indicated on the images below. Place the ray box at the top of the page and shine the 3 rays of light at the mirror.
  3. Ensure that the middle ray of light is hitting the mirror at a 90° angle.
  4. Carefully trace the direction of the three incident rays and the three reflected rays.

Concave Mirror

Convex Mirror