
Friday, May 8, 2020

The Cardio-Vascular system

Welcome to another post on my blog. In today's post, I am sharing a task that I completed in Physical Education. I again had a Google Meet and got taught about the Cardio-Respiratory System, about the heart and how deoxygenated and oxygenated blood travels through our heart and body. I learnt that 'Blood is pumped by the heart through the arteries. Each time the heart beats it sends a wave of blood through the arteries, this wave creates the pulse' and our heart pumps about five quarts (~ 6 litres) every minute and it beats about 100,000 times in one day, that about 36.5 million beats in a year.

The class were given 'research questions' to do.

What does the heart look like?
Anatomy of Human Heart
Michigan Health Blog
The heart is a muscular organ in our body, which is the size of our fist. It pumps blood through the blood vessels of the circulatory system. Blood provides the body with oxygen and nutrients.

Why do we need blood to be pumped around the body?
The aim of your heart is to pump blood to the organs and tissues of your body that require the oxygen and nutrients it provides. Oxygen-rich blood is pumped out of the left side of your heart into the arteries to these tissues and organs.

What is blood pressure?
When your heart beats, it pumps blood around your body to give it energy and oxygen it needs. It's often measured for diagnosis since it's closely related to the force and rate of heartbeat and the diameter.

Why does your pulse increase when you exercise?
When you start exercising, our heart will contract faster and circulation will increase, which gets oxygenated blood to your muscles quicker. While you are exercising, your muscles require extra oxygen, some times three times as much as resting muscles. 
