
Thursday, March 19, 2020

Do you know how to play Softball?

Welcome to another post on my blog. In today's post, I am going to share the rules and steps to play softball. But, we played softball without a tee.

Did you know that softball is a different version of the sport baseball? It is because, in baseball, players throw the ball overarm, and in softball, players throw underarm. Softball is played with a larger ball than baseball. Softballs are dense and softer than baseballs. Softballs come in different colours, white mostly and neon for clearer visibility, (mostly at night). Softball grounds are smaller than baseball grounds because softballs don't travel that far than baseballs. Softball games last for seven innings whilst baseball lasts for nine innings typical for higher-level baseball games.

Here are the basic rules to play softball.

Two teams of nine players take turns at batting and fielding. The aim of the batting team is to get the most points. It is by hitting the ball and running around all bases to the home base to score a point. The fielding team tries to defend its bases by getting three outs and not allowing the batting team to score. The team with the most points wins. A tiebreaker comes to play if the scores are tied.

Here is what you need to play softball - equipment
Image result for softball
Softball Equipment

You need;

  • Softball bat
  • Softball
  • Softball glove
  • Four Bases

There are four bases (first base, second base, third base and the home base) on the field. Inside the diamond is the infield which the pitcher throws the ball underarm; outside the baselines is the outfield. 

There are a few ways a batter or runner can be out in the following;

  • If the batter hits the ball and one of the fielders (including the pitcher) catches the ball on the full before hitting the ground. 
  • The ball is thrown to a fielder at a base before a runner reaches there. 
  • Each miss by the batter is called a strike, if there are three strikes in a row, then the batter is out.

Image result for softballWhat happened today was that our class was split into two teams of nine. Our team were fielding first. I was standing at the third base trying to get the batter out. After the batter team got four runs, I moved to the first base after the home base, trying to get an opportunity to get a batter out. The batter hit the ball it passed the pitcher, I ran to get the ball and went back to the base. The batter was short and I got the batter out. It was three outs, so we had to switch, our team were going to bat, trying to beat the opposition's score, four. I was the fourth batter to bat in the team. The first two batters had run to score two points for the team. The third batter was in the second base and I am in the home base playing my first ball. The first ball was a miss, so that was a strike. I wanted to hit the second ball and I did because there was no fielder in the first base (which was weird) I ran straight to the first base and I was safe. It was up to the other batters to hit the ball. The next batter hit the ball and I went straight to the second base, I was again safe. The next batter had hit the ball, I went past the third base and went to the home base, that was one more run. We had won the game.

I hope you learnt something new and liked my post. Have a nice day!! Bye!!