
Friday, January 24, 2020

Summer Learning Journey 2019-20 | Week 4, Day 5 | Activity 3: Concluding the Journey

Welcome to another post on my blog. This is the fourth week and the last day for the Summer Learning Journey 2019-20. If you don't know, the Summer Learning Journey is a holiday programme where we do blog posts over the summer holidays. This is because we don't drop down in our reading and writing. Because over the holidays, we have so much fun and not do any reading or writing, so we drop down in our scores.

The second week of this Summer Learning Journey is about All The World's A Stage - Arts and Entertainment.

Activity 3: Concluding the Journey [6 points] 

Sadly, the Summer Learning Journey has now come to an end. It is time to reflect on everything that you have learned this summer about people who have had an impact, or changed the world, in some way.

For this activity, please reflect on your experience with the Summer Learning Journey programme this year.

On your blog please tell us:

  1. Which activity you enjoyed the most
  2. Which activity you enjoyed the least
  3. Three things that you learned while completing the programme
  4. What changes/improvements you would make to the programme for next year

I hope you enjoyed reading my posts during the summer holidays and liked my post. Have a cool day!! Bye!!