
Friday, May 10, 2019

Moving My Body To Be Healthy | Drama

How does exercise affect our body and mind?

Exercise helps our learning by keeping you relaxed and healthy for the whole day. It reduces stress in your head, you can freely exercise.

Write what you currently do for fitness, eg, walk to school, basketball, PE/winter sport at school, club sport

I play football in Winter Sports. I scooter to school and back home. I sometimes play Football and Cricket.

Write a goal for your fitness that you would like to achieve, eg, go for a bike ride each weekend, run 3km without stopping
Image result for exercise people running

  • To do some type of exercise every week.
  • Bike each weekend at Wycola Park or Kyle Park for half an hour or go to the mall and come back.

Comment on how you are progressing with this goal

I am not sure of how I am progressing with this goal because I am mostly busy every day. I go out when it's a sunny day. I am trying to go out and scooter or cycle in the weekends.