
Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Florence is Passing by!

Today I am posting about space. I post about space at the holidays but I thought that I have some spare time so I can post something new. In the title 'Florence is Passing by!' It means that there is a large near-Earth asteroid passing Earth on 1st September. There have been heaps of asteroids passing earth and on 1st September there is. The distance of the asteroid is about 4.4 million miles (7 million kilometers or about 18 earth moon distances). Florence is the largest asteroid to be tracked by earth just after 11 days after the solar eclipse. I will tell you some facts about Florence.
The distance of Florence passing Earth. Far View
Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

  1. Florence's number name is 3122 Florence.
  2. Schelte J. Bus discovered Florence.
  3. Schelte J. Bus discovered Florence at 2 March, 1981.
  4. Schelte J. Bus discovered Florence in Siding Springs Observatory (Coonabarabran, New South Wales, Australia)
  5. Florence orbits every 858 days around the sun. 
After finding some information I found out that an asteroid named 2012 TC4 is also going to pass Earth on 12 October 2017. There will be a post about 2012 TC4 in my future posts.

These are the videos of Florence passing earth 🌍 . Timelapse
One more, this is my 150th post on my blog!! I hope you like my post about 3122 Florence. Have a cool 😎 day!! Bye!!