
Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Summer Learning Journey 2019-20 | Week 3, Day 1 | Activity 1: The World Wide Web

Welcome to another post on my blog. This is the third week for the Summer Learning Journey 2019-20. If you don't know, the Summer Learning Journey is a holiday programme where we do blog posts over the summer holidays. This is because we don't drop down in our reading and writing. Because over the holidays, we have so much fun and not do any reading or writing, so we drop down in our scores.

The second week of this Summer Learning Journey is about Experiments and Gadgets - Science, Technology and Invention.


Activity 1: The World Wide Web [4 points] 

You may not have heard of Tim Berners-Lee but this man completely changed the world for us when he invented the World Wide Web (otherwise known as the ‘www’). All of the information on the internet is stored and accessed on the web. 

TimBL, as he is known, also created the first ever website. We all spend a lot of time looking at websites, don’t we? One of my favourite websites is the Te Ara site. I use it when I am creating lessons for students or working on assignments for school. Are there websites that are particularly helpful for your learning?

For this activity please take screenshots of four different websites that you find helpful for your learning. They can be websites that you use in class or websites that you use on your own at home. Present the screenshots as a poster or put them into a presentation.

I hope you learnt something new and liked my post. Have a cool day!! Bye!!