
Saturday, December 21, 2019

Summer Learning Journey 2019-20 | Week 1, Day 5 | Activity 3: Own Choice

Welcome to another post on my blog. This is the fifth day for the Summer Learning Journey 2019-20. If you don't know, the Summer Learning Journey is a holiday programme where we do blog posts over the summer holidays. This is because we don't drop down in our reading and writing. Because over the holidays, we have so much fun and not do any reading or writing, so we drop down in our scores.

The first week of this Summer Learning Journey is about Physical Limits - Sport and Exploration.

Activity 3: Own Choice [6 points]

You have now made it to the end of Week 1 and have the chance to choose your very own sportsperson or explorer who you think has changed the world. There are no right or wrong choices for this activity, so find someone who interests you and tell us about them on your blog. It could be someone from your family, church, community or someone famous who you admire. Here are some starting points in case you get stuck.

Jessica Watson

Tanielu Tele’a

Sachin Tendulkar

Ann Bancroft

Kelly Slater


Laura Dekker

For this activity, please choose one person (a changemaker) and read all about them.

On your blog, provide us with:

  1. The name of the person
  2. A description of the work they do/have done 
  3. An explanation of how they/their work has had an impact on the lives of others