
Friday, May 25, 2018

Should it be?

Yesterday we looked at a Vodafone video of a postman taking care of a pig named Sue. After watching the video we took notes on a Padlet and wrote our opinion of the video. Today we started to write our opinion and below is my opinion. Below is also the link of the video. The credits goes to Vodafone for the video.

Here is the link of the video: Click Here

Below is my opinion writing.

I think that each animal has the right (like humans) to live and not get killed for money. We should let them go in the wild. Animals should live freely and happily, not in a small place and nothing to do. Some animals are kept in cages and not letting them run around. We should not kill animals for food or money.

Treating Animals: Animals shouldn’t be threatened, they should be treated like a family pet. Animals should get a long lasting and happy life like us. Animals are important like humans, they shouldn’t be in a cage for their personal gain.

The text is fair and it’s good that the postman kept Sue rather than Sue dying. The postman treated Sue with kind and respect. The postman was friendly and kind. The postman treated Sue like his own family member/pet. I think that the postman deserves Sue because the postman treated Sue and cared her. People can eat anything else than animals, like vegetables, fruits, etc: Fruits and vegetables, they are healthy and have, protein, calcium, etc: