
Saturday, October 20, 2018

Is it because of Air Pollution?

For today's post, we are going to look at Air Pollution. You have heard of the word 'Pollution', but do you know what is air pollution. Well, the word 'Pollution' means, effects that harm our environment. Air Pollution means Pollution in the air. Air Pollution is one of the reasons our climate is changing.

Long-Term Effects

My drawing about Air Pollution

There are long-term effects of air pollution like heart diseases, lung cancer, diseases like emphysema, also it can damage your liver, brain, nerves, or kidneys. These effects have a major effect on children that can have medical conditions in the elderly. Air pollution not only affects humans, but they can also affect animals, forests, crops, and bodies of water. Did you know: Indoor Pollution kills 4.3 million people each year.

Indoor Pollution

Image result for indoor pollutionIndoor pollution is pollution inside your house. Weird, right! Pollution in your house? How can that be? Well, this is true, if you burn coal, wood, kerosene etc. in your house that is called Indoor Pollution. If you burn these resources in your house then it's best to take it away from your house. It might lead to long-term or short-term effects of pollution.

Ways of Pollution in our Atmosphere

A small clip - pollution entering the atmosphere
There are different ways of air pollution coming to our atmosphere. Most of the air pollution is coming from humans like, burning fossil fuels (petrol, gas, coal, natural gas also gasoline that produce electricity and to power our vehicles), factories, cigarette smoke. These are anthropogenic sources, means man-made sources. Pollution like ash from volcanoes, smoke from wildness is called natural sources.

8 Facts about Air Pollution

  1. 1/8 deaths worldwide is from Air Pollution.
  2. 92% of Earth's population lives in unhealthy air quality.
  3. Crops get damaged from Air Pollution.
  4. In traffic, Air Pollution increases its chance of a heart attack.
  5. Indoor Pollution is 2-5 times worse than air pollution.
  6. In many cities, people wear masks to save them from air pollution.
  7. Heavy crude oil increases the chance of air pollution than light crude oil.
  8. 80% of lung disease is caused by pollution from buses, cars, trucks and other vehicles.

What I've Learnt

  • There are long-term effects of air pollution like heart diseases, lung cancer, diseases like emphysema, also it can damage your liver, brain, nerves, or kidneys.
  • These effects have a major effect on children that can have medical conditions in the elderly. 
  • Air pollution not only affects humans, but they can also affect animals, forests, crops, and bodies of water.
  • Indoor Pollution kills 4.3 million people each year.
  • If you burn coal, wood, kerosene etc. in your house that is called Indoor Pollution.
  • If you burn these resources in your house then it's best to take it away from your house. 
  • It might lead to long-term or short-term effects of pollution.
  • Pollution like ash from volcanoes, smoke from wildness is called natural sources.
  • 1/8 deaths worldwide is from Air Pollution.
  • 92% of Earth's population lives in unhealthy air quality.
  • Crops get damaged from Air Pollution.
  • In traffic, Air Pollution increases its chance of a heart attack.
  • Indoor Pollution is 2-5 times worse than air pollution. 
  • In many cities, people wear masks to save them from air pollution.
  • Heavy crude oil increases the chance of air pollution than light crude oil.
  • 80% of lung disease is caused by pollution from buses, cars, trucks and other vehicles.

I hope you like my post about Air Pollution. Comment down below if you've learnt something new. Have a cool day!! Bye!!