
Friday, July 27, 2018

We will be seeing it!

Animation July 27 2018 lunar eclipse appearance.gifToday (Friday 27 July), will be the longest lunar eclipse of the century. The eclipse would be tomorrow (Saturday 28 July) for around Australia and New Zealand. The lunar eclipse will be visible for Eastern Africa, and Central Asia, seen rising over South AmericaWestern Africa, and Europe, and setting over Eastern Asia, and Australia. This lunar eclipse is a Total Eclipse. On January 31, 2018, was the latest lunar eclipse. So here are Facts about the lunar eclipse. 


  1. It's the longest lunar eclipse of the century.
  2. It's the second lunar eclipse of the year.
  3. The eclipse is going on for 1 hour and 43 minutes. 
  4. The eclipse is the 17th lunar eclipse since 2001.
  5. Earth is further than the Sun called an Aphelion. (Link of my 'Why Don't We Feel Earth Orbiting' video)
  6. Illustration indicating the difference between a Supermoon and a Micromoon's distance from Earth.
    A Micromoon Eclipse
  7. It's A Micromoon Eclipse.

For New Zealand viewers: 


The eclipse will start at 6:24 AM. The maximum (when the eclipse reaches at the greatest magnitude while the entire moon is above the horizon) will be at 7:42 AM. The moon will set at 7:50 AM. The total eclipse will end at 9:13 am. 


The eclipse will start at 6:24 AM. The maximum will be at 7:22 AM. The moon will set at 7:50 AM. The total eclipse will end at 9:13 am. 


The eclipse will start at 6:24 AM. The maximum will be at 7:32 AM. The moon will set at 7:35 AM. The total eclipse will end at 9:13 am.  

For Australia viewers: 


The eclipse will start at 4:24 AM. The moon will set at 7:29 AM. The total eclipse will end at 9:13 am.


Image result for lunar eclipse
Lunar Eclipse in 2015
The eclipse will start at 4:24 AM. The maximum will be at 6:21 AM. The moon will set at 6:55 AM. The total eclipse will end at 7:13 am.


The eclipse will start at 4:24 AM. The maximum will be at 6:21 AM. The moon will set at 6:35 AM. The total eclipse will end at 7:13 am.


The eclipse will start at 3:54 AM. The maximum will be at 5:51 AM. The total eclipse will end at 6:43 am. The moon will set at 7:19 AM.


The eclipse will start at 2:24 AM. The maximum will be at 4:21 AM. The total eclipse will end at 5:13 AM. The moon will set at 7:17 AM.

After 8 hours and 13 minutes (9:00 PM), the Lunar Eclipse is going to Start!
I might be posting at 6:20 AM before the Lunar Eclipse starts! So stay tuned!
Comment down below if you are going to look at the Lunar Eclipse! I hope you like my post. Have a cool day!! Bye!!