
Friday, October 29, 2021

Personalised Passion Project experience | Wānanga

Welcome to another post. For the past few weeks in Wānanga, we (the year 10 & 11s) have been doing Personalised Passion Projects (or Genius Hour), a project for our passion or something that you are interested in learning about - including research and guidance by the passion project teacher. 
I was doing Cryptocurrency as one of my passion projects, in which I was working with Ranit doing candlestick charts

Candlestick Chart

In sum, we had to start with an essential question (driving question) - that cannot be answered with a simple Google search and research the question using websites, or any other source. Finally, we had to create something to show our learning that we did over the few weeks - can be digital, physical or service-oriented.

After we presented our work, we need to answer reflection questions.

  1. Now that it's over, what are my first thoughts about this overall project? Are they mostly positive or negative?
    • They are positive - because Ranit and I did a good job doing our project
  2. If positive, what comes to mind specifically? Negative?
    • No, I don't think anything negative
  3. What were some of the most interesting discoveries I made while working on this project? About the problem? About myself? About others?
    • That we can do a project that was new to us and we finished it in a short amount of time (due to lockdown)
    • That I can present with a partner in front of the class
  4. What were some of my most challenging moments and what made them so?
    • That we had to finish quite a lot of work in a short amount of time
  5. What were some of my most powerful learning moments and what made them so?
    • Speaking in front of an audience (the class)
  6. What is the most important thing I learned personally?
    • Speaking in front of the audience, which will help me to present in the future.
  7. When did I realize that I had come up with my final best solution?
    • Sometime before we were up to present in front of the class
  8. How well did I and my team communicate overall?
    • We communicated really well with each other.
  9. What moments was I most proud of my efforts?
    • Finishing the project and presenting in front of two classes.
  10. What's the one thing about myself above all others I would like to work to improve?
    • That I need to memorise the presentation a bit more.
  11. How will I use what I've learned in the future?
    • The presenting I did with Ranit will help me in the future and build my confidence when I do my presentation next time.

Here is the outcome (presentation) I created to show my learning -- and what I did.