
Thursday, June 10, 2021

Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workspace: Reflection Section | Wānanga

Welcome to another post. Today, in Wānanga, we watched an interview by Simon Sinek. 

Text title: Simon Sinek on Millennials in the Workspace
Text type: Interview on Youtube (Inside Quest)
Text creator: Inside Quest
Purpose: To help understand Millennials and improve wellbeing through reducing screen time.
Critical Literacy Question: How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups?
Date: 10th June 2021

How does the text depict age, gender, cultural groups?

This video only depicts the age group of millennials (born 1994 onwards). Sinek introduces his point by first talking about millennials and breaks down the interview into four parts:
  • Parenting
  • Social media/Technology
  • Impatience
  • Environment

He states that "The generation that we call the Millennials too many of them grew up, subject to not my words failed printing strategies, you know where for example, they were told that they were special all the time, they were told that they have anything they want in life, just because they want it. Some of them got into honours classes, not because they deserved it but because their parents complained and some of them got A, not because they earned them, but because the teachers didn't want to deal with the parents. Some kids got participation medals, they got a medal for coming in last.