
Friday, July 24, 2020

What's Resilience?

The Differences Between A Growth Mindset And A Fixed Mindset
Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset
Welcome to another post on my blog. This week in Wānanga, we learnt about Resilience and our Growth Mindset. We first watched a TEDx Talk Video on Growth Mindset and using drawing to remember more.

Next, we were given the school PB4L (Personal Behaviour Four Learning) and had to look at the value of Resilience - All School Settings. This week, we were focusing just on the School Settings.

  • Have a Growth Mindset
  • Believe in yourself
  • Encourage and include all classmates
  • Aim to overcome difficulties

We were later given a worksheet to do from making fixed mindset problems and sentences, to growth and positive sentences.