
Thursday, June 9, 2016

The Lions Failed Feast

W.A.L.T recall  events through the eyes of an animal.

This is my Recount. I hope you like it!

The Lions Failed Feast

Cape buffalo and her calf

It was a nice early December morning at the African Savannah, my family, my friends and I were sleeping in the nice sun.. Then a lion woke the pride up gently and said, “The herd of buffalo's are coming near us, I think they are sneaking on us!”

Some of the lions were ready to charge but I stopped and said, “First we have to go to that bush and get ready to attack.”
When they came closer, we raced after them, the baby lion was racing super fast to get the calf. When the baby lion caught the calf, the rest of pride came and tried to kill the calf. (Splash), the Crocodile jumped and caught the calf’s tail, and that time there was like a tug of war of the lions and the crocodile.

With joy we pulled out the calf out then the herd of buffalo's came. Some of the lions ran away but the baby lion and my wife were trapped by the buffalo’s. I was coming to save them, but an enormous buffalo came and chased me. Then an enormous buffalo came, and nearly dragged the baby lion and my wife to the river. Then a lion came, jumped and hit a buffalo and ran away from the herd of buffalo’s. After the buffalo's left the lion, the calf was standing up and we thought “How is the calf standing up?
“How is the calf alive?” Then the calf came back to the herd.

I felt like I was the most unlucky lion on Earth. I learnt that our pride will never ever hunt a buffalo.

By Khush